Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 82 - February 26, 2018 - Buena Vista, Virginia

Whattup y'all! It's your boi. So wow. This week was pretty crazy with transfers and all. But thankfully transfers went smoothly! So that's good! My new companion is Elder Hadley! He's from Mount Pleasant, Utah. He came out with me so he's been out for a long while now haha! I'm really excited to see what happens to Buena Vista this transfer. Elder Hadley and I have some great ideas on how to find more effectively and working with the members a lot more!! Stay tuned. Haha! Yeah so my release date should be August 11th. I haven't gotten anything for sure yet but that's what everyone is saying. You should get an email soon about it.


Larry. So interesting moment. On Saturday we went by his house because he hasn't texted us at all this week and he came out the door and told us he might not be able to take the missionary discussions anymore. Here's why. So he can't afford to pay his child support and apparently that's been holding him back from getting baptized. We're gonna do more research on it and see if it's a legit reason why he can't get baptized. Just continue to pray for him that he'll come around and progress still!


Is there anyone right now that you're not a big fan of? Anyone that you feel has treated you wrong? Well write down that person's name on a piece of paper and write down all the GOOD qualities of that person. Your love for the person will grow and your desire to forgive them will increase as well! And you will be a lot happier! I promise!


So we were at a dinner appointment last week and it was with a young married couple. The husband was talking about qualities that he liked in his wife and he turns to us and says "Alright, when you marry somebody, marry someone that CLEANS." And then his wife freaked out at him and I said, "I mean you don't HAVE to marry someone that cleans." And then the husband said, "Yeah you can also shoot yourself in the foot but you don't HAVE to." HAHAHA! I died!!

I sure do miss all of you! Stay safe and have a killer week and just keep on keepin' on!!

"Remember the spiritual foundations you have built." - Elder Ronald A. Rasband

- Elder Noah Hanson
Noah and the Bear

Natural Bridge with the peeps

Natural Bridge

Natural Bridge

Founders of Natural Bridge

King Kong!

Emailing with Elder Hadley

Natural Bridge

Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 81 - February 19, 2018 - Buena Vista, Virginia

Hey hey hey y'all!! Whale, it's that time again for transfers. We found out on Saturday that Elder Garrett is leaving. I'm gonna miss that kid. I've written down so many funny quotes from him. He probs hates me for that but I couldn't pass up the many opportunities he gave me. Also, with transfers, my whole zone got SLAUGHTERED. Every companionship except for one is changing. We have 13 companionship's. Holy cow. There's gonna be a lot of new missionaries at transfers!


Sandra & Jake. So we weren't able to see them this week sadly. They were both sick and didn't want to get us sick haha! But we should be seeing them this week! Just pray that we get to see them this week so that they can continue to progress :)


The challenge this week for all of y'all is to write down the moment that made it clear to YOU that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. What event sparked that confirmation? Or was it a gradual pace? Write it down and share it with someone!


OK scary moment too. So we were driving to Walmart last Pday and Elder Garrett was driving. He was talking to everyone in the car and so I don't know how much he was paying attention haha. Anyways, we get to an intersection and the light is RED. We all yelled "Red! Red!" and he just kept going, not knowing what was going on and why we were all screaming "Red!". He blew the light. Hahaha it was pretty funny. Don't worry there was no cops around so it was legal ;). (The Lord watching over his missionaries)

I love all of you so much! Thank you for all the support and love you show me each week. I miss each and every one of you! Keep on keepin' on!

"One does not aspire to be a great missionary; rather, he aspires to be a servant." - Lawrence E. Corbridge

- Elder Noah Hanson
Our Mission statement

Exchanges in Lynchburg - Elders Degroff and Fullmer

Lynchburg Elders - Degroff and Fullmer

Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 80 - February 12, 2018 - Buena Vista, Virginia

Happy Valentine's Day y'all! Valentine's day as a missionary is weird but this one should be a good one. We have members feeding us that day because they feel bad for us probably hahaha. But it's all good! We could go around yelling at people that Jesus loves them...that's a good way to find potentials right? Right. It's been raining quite a bit haha so much that they said there's a "flood warning". So that's exciting. Haha! Lots of service opportunities coming up soon probably haha! It should be a good week :)


Sandra (member) & Jake (investigator). They're both doing great! We've taught them the Plan of Salvation and Restoration this week and they are really coming along! We're really excited for them. We're planning on inviting Jake to be baptized this week so prayers for the both of them would be great! :)


In the spirit of Valentine's Day this week, the challenge to all of you is to express your love and appreciation to someone who has had a great influence on you. Someone who has blessed your life tremendously. Also, express your love to your Heavenly Father and tell him specifically what you're grateful for. 


So we were walking to a member's house for dinner and we walked by this house that had the number "2020" on it. I said to Elder Garrett, "Hey look! Kanye West for president!". He then says, "Agh man...if he becomes president, that will be the year I move to Europe." Hahahha! Sorry if you don't get that joke but for those of you that do, way to keep up with the times!

I sure do love all of you so much. Thank you for everything and keep on keepin' on! 

"Love is the defining characteristic of a disciple of Christ." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

- Elder Noah Hanson
fun with the district

Noah and Elder Olkjer


Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 79 - February 5, 2018 - Buena Vista, Virginia

Ayyy y'all!! Wow this week flew by! It sure was a great week. We had zone conference this week and it was incredible! President Lindhardt is a very inspired man! It's always good to see missionaries and get re-energized by the spirit. In preparation for zone conference, I had some missionaries help me make matching ties for the whole zone! It was great! Even President Lindhardt asked for one haha! The sisters matched us by wearing blue with their outfit. I freaking love my zone haha!


Sandra & Jake. So Sandra is an inactive member that we ran into and her husband, Jake, is a not a member. He'd been taught by missionaries in the past but he didn't like them because they were "too pushy". He told us that he liked us though because we're not pushy haha! They both have a HUGE desire to change their habits and come closer to God. So please pray for them and their progression!


So this week, I've been able to witness people here give great acts of service to us missionaries. Like paying for our groceries, food, etc. It's been really heart warming to see such selfless acts of service. The challenge this week for all of y'all is to serve someone WILLINGLY. You have no idea how much it means to people when you serve them like Jesus Christ did to every single one of Heavenly Father's children. 


So a couple weeks ago, we realized we had extra Christmas cards to hand out to people. So what did we do? We sent them to random addresses in Hollywood and Ogden, Utah. Haha. But guess what?? The one in Ogden, Utah responded!! We are now good friends with them. They're an older couple and are active members of the church!! Heck yeah!!

Life is good guys. God is good. I love all of you and hope y'all have a great week!

"Whoever you are and whatever your past may be, remember this: It is not too late to make that same choice again and follow Him." - Robert D. Hales

- Elder Noah Hanson
Elder of Buena Vista Zone

Sisters of Buena Vista - Noah in the back haha

Buena Vista Zone

Buena Vista Zone


Elder Willie and Noah

Emailing home!