Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 32 - March 13, 2017 - Princeton, West Virginia


Elder Noah Hanson
240 12th Street Ext. #17
Princeton, West Virginia 24740


What up y'all! Can't believe it's already Pday again haha. Literally this week went by so fast for me! And I also didn't even realize last week when I was emailing you guys but I've been out for over 7 months!! What the heck? Kinda seems like it was yesterday when I saying goodbye to everyone and meeting my MTC companion Elder Carlton. Hahaha! Time flies when you work hard every single day!


Griff and Janet. So last Pday, we were just chillin in this music store and this guy named Griff comes up to me and asks me if we were the Mormon missionaries. I was like, "Yeah that's us!" Then he started asking a lot of questions and I was able to answer most of them (thanks to the little spirit guy) and I asked if we could come over to his home and share what we do as missionaries and he said yes. We went over the next day and him and his wife, Janet, were super into the Restoration. They're both very religious and asked a lot of questions. But it was such a good lesson and they're super friendly! So just pray that they find the answers to their many questions that they have about the Book of Mormon and all that! That would be great!


So my challenge for all of you this week is to watch the "Lift" Mormon message. Then afterwards, think of someone who you know that's struggling physically, emotionally, or spiritually and reach out to them. Whether that's just shooting them a text, calling them, visiting them, just something that will help LIFT their spirits and feel the love that Heavenly Father has for them. 


So yesterday we had a dinner appointment with a couple who are members. They are super friendly and super innocent as well haha. But just out of curiosity I asked them, "Sooo just curious, but how did you two meet?" They both start laughing really hard and I just sat there really confused haha and then the husband was like, "Well honey, should we share with them the clean version of the story?" She said, "Yes the clean version, they are missionaries!" I literally just sat there like, 'What the heck?' Hahahaha hopefully you guys thought that was funny because I DIED laughing as I was typing this.

Anyways, love you all so much! Thanks for your amazing examples in my life and I hope you guys are sharing that example with those around you! Hope you guys have a great week!

Alma 7: 23

- Elder Hanson

Happy Birthday Mom on the 19th! Love you so much!

Me with a monkey mascot!

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