Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 88 - April 9, 2018 - Raven, Virginia

Sup y'all! So first off, my new address is:

Raven, VA 

Anyways, I'm now living in Raven, Virginia and serving in the Richlands, Virginia branch. I'm serving in a branch now so that's interesting! There were literally only 13 people that showed up to church yesterday. It was a weird transition from Buena Vista to here but I already love this place! There's a lot of work to do (especially with building up the branch). My new companion is Elder Lodico! He's from Tampa, Florida. He's a stud and this is his last transfer. And he has a strong desire to work hard until the end so that's good! This will most likely be my last area as well. Holy cow. Time flies...


Brad. So we already have a baptism for him this week haha. His interview is on Wednesday and so hope that goes well! He's been taught by the missionaries for a while and he's very ready for baptism. He's a cool guy and knows the gospel is true! I don't think I'll count this as my baptism since I literally walked into it haha but it's still cool! Pray it goes well for him this week!


When was the last time you went to the temple? The challenge this week is to attend the temple and bring your own family names! And the rest of the week, keep the temple in the forefront of your mind as well. That will influence all the decisions you make throughout the week! 


So on Friday, when I got to Richlands we went to a food pantry to volunteer. When I got in the food pantry, all of these older ladies came up to me and asked me where I was from, who I was, etc. Then they were like "You look like someone that would have someone special back home...who's the lucky girl?" Hahahaha Elder Lodico just laughed at me haha. I didn't really have time to answer but it was super awkward but that was my first interaction with let's goooo. Haha!

I love all of you so much! You all mean the world to me and thank you for everything. Truly. Have a great week :) Keep on keepin' on!

"Each daily decision will either limit or broaden your opportunities" - Robert D. Hales

Love, Elder Noah Hanson
Tracting in the snow in Raven, Virginia

Awesome members in Buena Vista

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